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Advice for a beginner?


New Member
Firstly I apologise if this has been asked and answered before, but I couldn't seem to find a specific thread with my initial searches. However, I'm keen to ask some of the forum's seasoned Hasselblad users as to what V-system they might recommend for a Medium Format beginner?

I've been using a Leica M9 for a while now, and earlier in the year had the urge to explore 35mm film once again and duly bought an M6. I've now got the bug and would like to explore moving on to Medium Format and as such I've clearly been drawn to Hasselblad.

I'd like to make my first step tentatively and thus would like to keep the budget under £1000, but would most appreciate any guidance as to how to make my first step up onto the Hasselblad 'ladder'.

Thank you all.
Welcome to the club!

The easiest would be a 2nd hand 500 / 503 series body with an 80mm lens and a 12 film cassette or two.

I would tend for a CF series lens with a bay 60 for filters. The older C lenses have a 50 filter bayonet, and its more complex to get these.

These are advertised for very good prices either here, ebay or elsewhere.

If you want a wider view, I like the 50mm FLE a lot, although others gravitate towards the 60mm.

I'm sure others will add to your request.
I would add...

I would add that the 80mm is the best lens to walk around with and has a relatively fast aperture. Always go for the newer stuff like the 503. The newer lenses seem to have more contrast than the old "C" series (I have both).

Good Luck,
