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95 mm ND filters

Hello everybody,
I am going to buy a h4d40 with 35-90 lens that has a 95 mm diameter .Since I make many long exposure shots I need Neutral density filter at least 0,9.
Can you suggest me the best solution for this?.
Did someone use ND gels for long exposure shots ?

Thanks a lot.
Take a look at the site of Heliopan Germany for ND filters.
Heliopan makes excellent quality filters, they do not come cheaply.
A Heliopan 95 mm ND Filter 0.9 meaning 8x or three stops is 145 euro.

Price list pdf:

It seems their information is only available in German.
The German word for ND filter is Grau Filter.

Why not ask for a ND filter in the classified section?
ND filters this size are rare but you only need 1!