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60mm on A32 in 135 terms.


What would the 60mm distagon be when using an A32 back in 35mm terms?

The reason I am considering this is that I am becoming a bigger fan of the 645 format, I finally found a lab that can do great color neg scans, and Kodak is producing the new Portra films in 220. This makes my 503 or 203 much better alternatives to my Leica when traveling where I usually use a 35mm lens and ISO 160 film.

Has anyone tried the new Portra films in 220 format?

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
Closest to the 60mm lens in 35mm format is the 35mm lens.
When it comes to angle of view.
But it is still a 60mm lens regarding depth of field.

For me the 60 Distagon is the primary lens.
Yes that's what I thought. I've heard before that the 60mm was like a 35mm on 135, but I was just wondering whether it was more like a 50mm when used in conjunction with an A16 back?
Well if you compare to 24x36, the 60 is close to a 40mm in 4.5x6 sizes.

I liked this lens on 53x53 size as it make a 28mm verticaly.
With my 36x48mm I do not use so mucht this lens now. And my 50mm/2.8 is heavy. More practical to use 35mm SUmmilux on a M9 Leica !