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555ELD + Kodak DCS Pro Back problem


New Member
Hello community!

I think I`m quite experienced in using 35mm SLRs but I always dreamed about MF-Cameras. Coincidentally I`ve got the opportunity to use a 555ELD and the Kodak DCS Pro Back which was used for areal photography a few years ago. Because I`m interested in cameras I would like to check if it still works. But on the other hands if have no idea bout MF-Cameras...

The back was already connected to the camera because it was calibrated. The external power supply is plugged into a socket. I can turn on the back and browse the menu. At first I tried to use and format a CF Card but the digital back turned off when I pressed the shutter release button. The same happens when I release the camera using the Kodak Camera Manager Software (I`m using WinXP). After the shutter release the back turns off and the software is looking for the camera.
On the other hand the shutter release works when I remove the release button from the digital "hole" and put it into the film "whole".

Do have any solution for the problem? How can I check if the sync cable connecting the digital back and lens works properly?


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If you have an ohm/volt/amp meter this can easily be done. Measure if there is connection between the ends of respective lead of the cable.