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503CW Mirror moves slightly


New Member
Hello to everybody, this is my first post in this forum. First of all I'd like to thank all of you. You are fantastic! Reading all these wonderful threads I've always found an answer to my questions.
After using a 501C with BW films for years, recently I bought a new CFV39 and a used 503CW and I noticed a strange behaviour of the mirror. It is not firmly mounted. If I gently touch the mirror it moves slightly in its "container" (less than a millimeter). Is it normal? Is it due to GMS or do I have my hassy serviced?
Please pardon my english, I'm italian and I cannot write it in correct way.
You are very welcome!

I can also slightly move the mirror with in its mounts.
So I suppose this is fully normal. (or we both have something fishy...??)

For a swedish person your english is fully understandable.
And I envy your CFV39.
Hello Olof B, thank you very much for your reply. I'm happy to know that my new used camera is ok. Checking the mirror of the 501C and feeling its rigidity scared me a lot.
I've made only some test shots with CFV39 and had some experimentation with Phocus. My very first conclusion is that CFV39 files remind very very close to color films. Dynamic range is outstanding. In an evening landscape shot with a full moon you can perfectly expose the whole scene. Amazing!!