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503 and CFV backs


New Member
Are there any of the 503 models that when a CFV digital back is connected will show all of the EXIF info? Right now I have a 501CM and a CFV back. I do use the EXIF info on the photos I have shot on a project to help find problems that need to be fixed for further shoots of the same project. This way I don't have to keep a log book. I am curious about this to see if I should upgrade my body from a 501 to a 503.
There are no connections to the CFV back that will transfer EXIF data. The CFV is triggered by the 500 series cameras (C, CM., CX, SWC, CW) by the arm on the bottom right which in the film world, changed the white dot to red on the film magazines. On the 555 ELD the CFV back is triggered by the electronic contacts. Likewise, the 200 series that have been modified by Hasselblad trigger the CFV via electronic contacts. The only EXIF information stored on the CFV is the camera that you pre select on the menu, ISO and White balance.
If you want all of the EXIF, you will need to move up to the H series cameras and backs.

The older H3D-39 are going for about $18,900, far cry from the $8990 of the CFV. But with the H3D-39 you get a 39 mpx back plus camera and lens. Either way it will cost you some$ just depends if it is an arm or a leg you are willing to give up. The human body only needs one kidney . . .
