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35-90 mm Lens problem ID 44:5 ID 19:1


New Member
I started using HCD 4 to 5.6 / 35-90 mm ​​lens with H4D-40 and emerged the following error " Lens problem ID 44:5" and "Lens problem ID 19:1".
Could someone tell me what is this service code.
Keep that code in case you have to send it in for repair.

However, before you do anything make sure the gold contacts on the lens and camera are clean. Also, look at them from a side view to determine if one of the contacts is lower than the others.

Just as a precaution, check the firmware number in the camera and the back to be sure they are up to date. The current installed versions are accessed in the menu of the camera under Systems. Check it against the latest versions available for your specific camera ... do not confuse the H4D/40 with the H4D/60! These are located on the Hasselblad website under downloads ... and you have to be a registered Hasselblad owner to access the download area.

Hopefully it is something simple, and you can fix it yourself.
