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250 super achromatic


New Member
I own this lens purchased 6 years ago. It was in the trunk of my car when it was totaled in a wreak caused by a drunk driver. There is small black plastic collar inside the back of the lens that broke and has fallen out. My guess is that this collar helps to prevent flair. but am not sure. Also, this lens focuses beyond infinity to use IR film if I remember correctly.
The repair place is telling me that it's been modified, and needs to be reset to stop at infinity. Although I am almost sure that they are wrong, I never shoot IR film, so would it compromise this lens to have it modified to stop at infinity?
Last where in the metro NY area is authorized by Hasselblad to do repair work?
I hope that super achromatique lenses do not need IR fucussing.
However in special aera like in the desert, you need to focus beyond infinity to compensate temperature phenomena
I own this lens purchased 6 years ago. It was in the trunk of my car when it was totaled in a wreak caused by a drunk driver. There is small black plastic collar inside the back of the lens that broke and has fallen out. My guess is that this collar helps to prevent flair. but am not sure. Also, this lens focuses beyond infinity to use IR film if I remember correctly.
The repair place is telling me that it's been modified, and needs to be reset to stop at infinity. Although I am almost sure that they are wrong, I never shoot IR film, so would it compromise this lens to have it modified to stop at infinity?
Last where in the metro NY area is authorized by Hasselblad to do repair work?

Straight from the Zeiss website (albeit in German) for the 250SA CFE:

Die visuelle Scharfeinstellung bei sichtbarem Licht garantiert in jedem Falle optimale Bildschärfe, auch bei Verwendung von infrarot-empfindlichen Schwarzweiß- und Farbfilmen. Genaugenommen war das Objektiv Sonnar Superachromat 5,6/250 bei seinem Erscheinen das einzige, mit dem sich wirklich scharfe Infrarot-Farbaufnahmen herstellen ließen. Keinerlei Infrarot-Korrektur muß berücksichtigt werden. Das Objektiv hat deshalb auch keinen Infrarot-Index. Der Fokussierring kann über die Unendlich-Position hinaus gedreht werden, um das Objektiv in sehr unterschiedlichen thermischen Situationen fokussieren zu können.

Loosely translated:
- does not need any IR compensation, even lacks an IR reference index
- focusing possible past infinity to accomodate for various thermal conditions.

So.. whoever told you it needs to be reset to stop at infinity should not be trusted with a SA lens as they definitely lack the necessary clue.

Thanks Wilko.
That is exactly what it comes down to. These repair cowboys do not have any understanding of longer lenses.

Not only the SA but all longer lenses will go trough infinity at room temperature.
In warmer areas you need the extra bit on the helicoid to compensate for higher temperature.
Any longer lens adjusted spot on at infinity at 20° C will not reach infinity at much higher temperatures.


Why not send this excellent lens to Hasselblad NJ. They are the experts.
The bill will be higher but you can res assured the work is done properly.
Please contact me should the baffle be NLA.
I may have one somewhere in the pile of parts I keep in the back of the garage....
Hey Paul, In your garage do you have any parts to convert a 110mm F to FE ??????????

Also I think all superachromats go to Sweden for repair. But as you say, it will be done right!

Hi Terry,

What have you been up to? Buying old F lenses and keeping me busy to convert them to FE spec? I suppose you are looking for these?

110 FE x2.jpg

They were lying behind a Maserati gearbox and a couple of blown headgaskets.
I am not very good at throwing things away that I paid good money for.



  • 110 FE x2.jpg
    110 FE x2.jpg
    223.2 KB · Views: 23
Hey Paul, Those lens barrels look like they are ready to put my glass into.

I must look in your garage if I ever get to Germany!

Hello Terry,

Better hurry because there is already an interested buyer for one of these empty jars.
One of these beauties is for sale.
It is easy to persuade me with a decent offer....

No Wilko,

I did not buy the taxi with the AMG engine yet.
I am quite happy with my S class Mercedes with AMG tuning from the days AMG was still an independent tuner in Germany.

Brute force and a speedo that shows 300 km/h are quite a happening for a large car.
It does not reach 300 but it has done over 270 here in Germany.
That is close to three times the maximum speed in the US.
Quite sufficient for me.

Brute force and a speedo that shows 300 km/h are quite a happening for a large car.
It does not reach 300 but it has done over 270 here in Germany.
That is close to three times the maximum speed in the US.
Quite sufficient for me.
"Brute force" that was Enzo Ferrari's attitude; scr*w aerodynamics and brakes. Enzo sold you a engine and drive train...threw the body for "free".

There is no national US speed limit...60-65mph east coast..70-75mph west...some 80mph in Texas.
I own this lens purchased 6 years ago.

Wow....these lenses are definitely on the pricey side. I've been keeping my eye out for one (or a 350 SA) recently. Finally spotted a 250 CF SA at KEH....EX condition...$3,121 USD. They also have a 250 CF non-SA in EX condition for $616 USD.

I know this is a very subjective question....but is it worth spending 5 times as much for the SA? In terms of real image quality....can anyone describe the difference to me?

Also, all of my current lenses are CFi or CFE and I'd kind of like to stick with those, if possible....was there a 250 CFE/CFi SA made? 350 CFE/CFi SA?

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska
"Brute force" that was Enzo Ferrari's attitude; scr*w aerodynamics and brakes. Enzo sold you a engine and drive train...threw the body for "free".

There is no national US speed limit...60-65mph east coast..70-75mph west...some 80mph in Texas.

Right.. that is what the Germans do in driving school. :lol: Life on the Autobahn starts at 100mph. Anybody's guess how long that will be the case, there are more and more parts where there are limits, like 120 or 130 kmh.

The Dutch muck around at 100 or 120kmh max. That is, if the whole bloody highway is not one big traffic jam. Which is more the rule than the exception these days :(

I know this is a very subjective question....but is it worth spending 5 times as much for the SA? In terms of real image quality....can anyone describe the difference to me?

Also, all of my current lenses are CFi or CFE and I'd kind of like to stick with those, if possible....was there a 250 CFE/CFi SA made? 350 CFE/CFi SA?

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska

These are hard times for quality oriented individuals.
Digital has brought us besides a lot of new possibilities also the loss of standards we used to have.

Especially with high grade digital backs, amongst which I also count the CFV to avoid any misunderstanding, lenses have become even more important.

For certain applications the SA series will bring enough improvement in image quality to justify the investment.

I would not hesitate to grab a clean C series SA if the price were right.
The main difference with later CF/E/i versions is ergonomics.

Yes the 250 SA exists as C lens to start with. Later the CF followed and finally CFE and CFi models.
The CFE is without doubt the rarest of the lot. Besides rare this version is also most wanted which gives you an idea as to what kind of money is involved to get one if you are lucky enough to find one for sale.

You call that a speed limit?
That is crawling :eek:

With that kind of speed you can see the grass growing while driving by......
I know..It's pitiful...The 575 is turning 2800 RPM at 82MPH.

250sa cfe

HI Terry,

No I could not find a 250 SA CFE in the garage.
I stumbled across a battered 350SA though.

The 250SA CFE has a warm place in my glass cabinets next to a few other bits and pieces.
I am thinking of selling the 250SA C lens although I expect to regret that the moment it takes place.

I have a nice 250mm CF SA that I got from Mark a few years ago. From what I've seen the CFE could cost twice the CF value.
