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205TCC questions from a beginner


New Member
I have handled a second hand 1993 made Hasselblad 205TCC and have a few questions about the camera:

1) According to the shop owner, this body has been modified, so a certain modern winder can be fitted.
This unfortunately means, that the button for manually cocking the shutter without transporting the film for multiple exposures has been removed.

A manual rewind crank still can be fitted normally.

I have handled the camera with the manual rewind crank without issues, but, when a lens with a broken shutter had been attached, the body jammed.
The film back could be removed, so it could be seen, that the camera did stop operation mid mirror up.

Without having any chance, to manually re-cock the body, one would be dead in the water, I guess.
To unjam the body, the technician transplanted a multiple exposure button from a 202 body to the jammed 205TCC, which then could be unjammed and operated as normal thereafter.

Is this modification a normal factory option or some hack?

2) Can the body be operated without battery (virtually making it a 500 series in operation)?

I would like, if the camera without battery would open the shutter curtain in bulb mode, when the bodies shutter speed dial is set to "C", leaving the camera virtually as a standard 500 body or is the focal plane shutter entirely governed by the small internal battery?

3) What are fair going rates on the market for these cameras - I don't see them often for sale?

4) Are there any known, common issues with the 205TCC, one should check?

5) Who services and repairs the 205TCC? Is there any limit of Hasselblad service announced?