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  1. Vieri Bottazzini

    Lake Dobbiaco, Dolomites, before sunrise

    Besides the famous peaks, the Dolomites feature many small lakes, surrounded by the mountains and all very atmospheric and inspiring - either thanks to the ubiquitous fog, or because of the reflections they create - or both, like here. This is Lake Dobbiaco before sunrise, 102 seconds of...
  2. Vieri Bottazzini

    Lighthouse & Abbey Ruins at Sunrise, Brittany

    As landscape photographers, we love lighthouses and we love ruins. Being able to photograph both together is just special! Lighthouse & Abbey Ruins at Sunrise, a 181 seconds exposure taken in Brittany (France) with my Hasselblad X1D II, Hasselblad XCD 21mm and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest Ultra...