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hasselblad v

  1. E

    Sell Hasselblad 503CW

    Hello there, I'm new to the forum. Surplus to my requirements (already have 2 other bodies): Hasselblad 503CW Millenium model. Body only in very nice condition, works properly. Some dust on mirror (can of course be removed), but no scratches. Acute matte screen. Front cap and back protector...
  2. E

    How to go digital with old C lenses?

    I still have my beloved 500cm bought when an apprentice in 1978, and a less loved 553ELX, which I bought for a digital back that never came from my employer. And I still have lovely 50mm, 80mm, 120mm and 250mm C lenses sitting in the dark (I sold the 500mm when sanity temporarily prevailed)...