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  1. Vieri Bottazzini

    Lake Dobbiaco, Dolomites, before sunrise

    Besides the famous peaks, the Dolomites feature many small lakes, surrounded by the mountains and all very atmospheric and inspiring - either thanks to the ubiquitous fog, or because of the reflections they create - or both, like here. This is Lake Dobbiaco before sunrise, 102 seconds of...
  2. Vieri Bottazzini

    Torre dei Scarperi at sunset, Dolomites

    The beauty of the Dolomites isn't just in those few famous locations that we always see on social media. There is much more than that, there are so many incredible vistas and landscapes to photograph that it would take a lifetime to portray them all! This is Torre dei Scarperi at sunset, 16...
  3. Vieri Bottazzini

    Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Dolomites - a less classic view

    This is a less classic - but not less impressive - view of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, on the Dolomites. 161 seconds of exposure right after sunset with my Hasselblad X1D, Hasselblad XCD 21mm and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest Ultra filters. Thank you for viewing, best regards Vieri
  4. Vieri Bottazzini

    Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Dolomites - a classic view

    The classic view of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, on the Dolomites, on one spectacular October sunset. 15 minutes after taking this shot, the mountains were completely wrapped in thick fog... 1/20 second with my Hasselblad X1D, Hasselblad XCD 21mm and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest Ultra filters. Thank...
  5. Vieri Bottazzini

    Sunrise at Passo Giau, Dolomites

    I just finished to process my 2019 pictures from my beloved Dolomites, and I decided to start sharing images with one of my favourite locations there. This is Passo Giau, a truly inspiring place offering many different compositions, photographed here at sunrise. 2.5 seconds exposure with my...