Hi Ruben,
I can not make any statement like you would like to hear. First, I am not the owner of the site, secondly I doubt that anybody can make such statements, since nobody can predict the future. That does not mean that there is something on the schedule, it only means we do not make promises, if we have no clou what will be in the future.
If there are concerns of some users, that - maybe - at some point in the future any kind of forum/ mailing list will charge contributions mandatory, then you should definitely stop using EVERY kind of forum and mailing list. Even if someone is promising you something, he can come back in 2 years time and say, he guys, times are changing and we have to charge fees now.
The only guideline of this are the terms of use which should be available on every website on the internet you are visiting. And I am pretty sure that they are all the same.
As soon as you post something on the internet you agree to accept these terms of use and whether it is photo.net, dpreview or any kind of yahoo mailing list, they can do whatever they want to with it afterwards. It is always written in nice words, but at the end of the day it counts the result. This is reality, not my idea.
So this is not a problem of Hasselbladinfo (which does not charge anything) or any other x-info site. This is a problem of the internet itself. As soon as costs are not financed somehow, fees will be introduced at photo.net et alii. Just common sense and no mystery or idea from us.
So the goal is to avoid this by getting enough income beforehand by ads, donations, etc.
Ads are kind of problematic. Priceswise and as Marc pointed out also often very disturbing. We would surely not allow aggressive pop-up ads or moving and shaking ads on our sites.
But it is strange how eager some are reacting at this dicussion. If you fear the most, that Hasselbladinfo.com would switch to fee-based access, why you not simply donate to this site so that it is a lot less likely to happen?
If every member here would donate regularly, there would never be a problem in the future. But there would then also be no difference to a subscription