Welcome aboard! Can you describe the differences in regards for a different body used? I currently have a 205TCC with just (1) TCC12 and E-12 back. As a backup to the 205TCC, I have the 201F and a 2000FCM. All three of these cameras has been maintain by Dennis Greco and John Connelly(?).
Both great guys at the Parsippany office.
Evan Dong
Hi Evan,
Dennis is far and away the best 2000/200 technician there is in the USA.
2000 Series
F or FE lens with focal plane shutter. C, CF, CFi and CFE lenses can use leaf shutter if focal plane shutter in camera is disengaged. The focal plane shutter in the body can be used with CF lenses when the
“F” function is engaged.
2000FC (1977 - 1981)
- Had titanium shutter.
- 1st Hasselblad with larger non-vignetting mirror.
- Featured electronically controlled shutter speeds.
- Must have a battery for operation.
2000FC/M (1981 - 1984)
- The focal plane shutter would retract when the film magazine was
2000FCW (1984 - 1988)
- User can replace the winding knob with a winder F.
- Improved internal body coating to reduce internal light reflection (palpas).
2003FCW (1988 -1990)
- Improved internal body coating to reduce internal light reflection (palpas).
- Updated with Acute-Matte screen.
- Cosmetic improvements.
200 Series
Utilizes FE lenses for metering and aperture information transfer to the body. F (shutterless) lenses can be used in stop down mode for metering. C, CF, CFi and CFE lenses can be used) can be used in stop down mode for metering.
200 series all feature the following:
1. Double exposure capability by depressing button in the center of the winding crank as the user
advances the camera.
2. TTL/OTF flash capable.
3. Instant return mirror.
4. Rubberized cloth shutter for durability.
5. Uses large aperture FE lenses (and CF, CFi and CFE w/ F setting engaged)
6. Will accept the winder F.
201 F (1994 - 1998)
- 1 second - 1/1000.
- ISO 16 - 1000.
- Manual camera with no internal meter.
202 FA (1998 - present)
- 34 minutes - 1/1000.
- ISO 12 - 6400.
- Center area metering. Covering a 28mm area or 20% of the viewfinder ground glass.
- Exposure lock.
- New control panel.
A, D, M, ML (shutter speed lock)
Pr Set
a. Pr 1 - Self timer.
b. Pr 2 - ISO.
c. Pr 3 - Fill flash.
d. Battery indicator in viewfinder display.
- User can adjust exposure in 1/2 stop increments. Auto exposures are in 1/12 stop increments.
203 FE (1994 - present)
- 2 additional pr functions added over 202 (5 Total).
a. Pr 4 - Exposure shift in AB mode 1/3 increments.
b. Pr 5 - Reference meter function.
- Shutter speed 34 minutes - 1/2000.
- Auto bracketing in 1/3 stop increments for a total of 21 exposures.
- Center area metering, covers a 28mm area or 20% of the viewfinder ground glass.
205 TCC (1991 - 1995)
- 34 min. - 1/2000.
- Spot meter, covers 1 % of viewfinder area on ground glass.
- Auto bracket in 1/4 stop increments for a total of 21 exposures.
205 FCC 1995 - 2002
- E12 CC (cc=contrast control) magazine for zone system.
New functions
1. Programmable placement zone.
2. Long exposure mode.
3. Adjustment of TTL-flash output for fill in flash.
4. Automatic bracketing.
2,3 and 4 are same functions as 203FE.
Altered functions
1. 2 New items in Pr mode: flash adjustment and bracketing step.
2. Shutter speed I automatic mode up to 90 sec.
3. Low battery warning more visible.
4. Indication of locked value in AB mode.
5. Locking of the light value with the exposure button.
6. No separate flash mode.
7. Flash warnings changed.
8. B- Exposure now indicate elapsed time.
9. C- exposure is now guided with indication of shutter speed.
10. The speed of the auto-repeat is increased.
11. During continuous exposure, the camera will not take new readings.
12. Indication of aperture value.
Discontinued Functions
1. Programmable shutter speed warning.
Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA