Hasselblad. Training was through, trouble shooting a phone call away, and access to tech support was handled by him.>
It is nice that he worked through your problems for you.
I have called Hasselblad service many times and usually have received immediate attention and or a very prompt return call.
And the techs have been smart enough to leave the answer to my question on my machine when I haven't been able to take the call, no phone tag. Also, I have never felt rushed by any person or tech when discussing a problem or question.
As for B & H they too have always been helpful, and more importantly to me they have refunded my money every time I have asked for it, and when they were unable to fill my order. Once I ordered a special order item and a week later I noticed I had provided the wrong stock number to them, they immediately corrected the order and had the correct item shipped to me. More than one store here only offer store credit and not refunds, so for me that is a big plus. Also, I am sure B & H has an excellent relationship with Hasselblad and provide the kind of service to their local customers that you receive. They also offer live help via email.
The following is the actual notice from the B & H site for the CFV
"Important Notice!
This item cannot be returned or exchanged unless defective"
want to pay through the nose for someone else to ship it to USA/ Europe for you? .>
If you are going to be able to save a great deal of money to me it would be worth the risk it as most likely you will not have any problems and the savings will pay for any required shipping. AS for questions, the world is at your fingertips, now the answers may require a bit of salt, but on this forum, most give the best answer possible and take the time to do so. Also, as someone else stated as more and more use these new backs the more we will know about them.
I would also suggest that you download the manual first and read it before you buy it. That way you will have a better idea of what you are getting into and if you buy it you will be a leg up, as they say.