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PM 45 current hidden switch


Active Member
I use a PM45 on my 503CW, which combined with the CW winder makes the 503 a wonderful "walk-about" camera.

BUT, I noticed a small "slide" like switch hidden underneath the PM45 and wondered what this is for? I don't notice anything different in the finder while looking through it as I change the switch's position.

I could not find a specific reference to this switch in Nordin's nor Wildi's books. Any ideas? Thanks.
BUT, I noticed a small "slide" like switch hidden underneath the PM45 and wondered what this is for? I don't notice anything different in the finder while looking through it as I change the switch's position>


The slide is the lock for the diopter adjustment. The L is for lock.

If you relese the lock you can adjust the eyepiece to your eye, by turning the eye cup. After adjusting then slide it back to lock the eye cup.


You will find a description also in the instruction manual . On the folder on drawing 1 it has the number 10 and on page 2 is the name for number 10 "eyepiece adjustment catch" . On page 4
(item 5) you will find a detailed description on how to use the eyepiece adjustment .
Thanks Jurgen. I actually bought it used (but like new) a couple of years ago so do not have the user manual.