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Newbie + 500c/m + unexposed film


New Member
I recently bought a 500c/m in good shape, and I did a couple of rolls without issues (apart my total lack of experience).

The last roll I shot unfortunately came out completely unexposed: I was immediately worried by a possible problem of the camera, and I verified its behavior without magazine. Both lens shutter and aperture seemed correct, without hesitation, and the auxiliary shutter also worked properly. The film was also properly rolled on the take-up spool.

Any idea on what could be wrong or on any other check I can do before the next roll? I do not develop films myself, it's time to change shop?

Any help will be greatly applreciated.
Cheers from Italy,
Hi, Massimo - this sounds like a classic new user problem. As I learned first-hand early on with my Hassy, the film has to come off the roll from the bottom. If you reverse the roll and it comes off the top, everything else will seem fine until you develop the roll and see nothing. Another hint when you are taking the exposed roll out (with Kodak) is that the wrapper strip that holds the roll closed will be hard to find as it will be underneath the film!
Hi Mike,
thanks for the advice. I seem to remember that the roll was placed correcty, but I will double-check next time.

Best, Massimo
Massimo -- I just did this very thing...second roll through was sure it was set right but when I picked up the roll from the developer they said it was blank. Hopefully, this was all it was for you as well.

Best regards -- Bishop
I wonder if it's possible to load a film the wrong way, that is, with the protection paper exposed to the light...
I wonder if it's possible to load a film the wrong way, that is, with the protection paper exposed to the light...

Yes, that is exactly what happens when you load film with the spool unwinding from the top instead of from underneath, Massimo. Here's the manual page showing (not very clearly) the procedure. See picture 22.



  • EXIF
    Hassy 501CM Manual.PDF.pdf
    183.2 KB · Views: 31
  • EXIF
    Hassy 501CM Manual.PDF.pdf
    183.2 KB · Views: 31