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NASA photographs



You may want to explore some of the photographs from NASA. At the bottom of the page there are some drop down windows for cameras-Hasselblad first and films used. Also, the headings at the top are very interesting. Clicking find photos yields a map of the world and all you have to do is click.



Yes, the site takes some getting used to. I have spent a little over and hour, but I learned how to some 1 and 2 meg photos from the Collection list-Weekly 10.

Click the number one one you like and a low resolution will pop-up, then a chart will pop-up showing, View and below that Request. I click the Request and then highest resolution shot. Then it will go to another page. Then under: using a web browser click the link, it will contain the one you want. The photo will show then place your arrow on the photo and right click and then you can save it or set it as a back ground.

For other photos, click the colored line under the low resolution photograph, then it will go the the View Request charts.

Hope this helps a bit, after all they have the real, some might say g _ks .

I thought this one showed a different perspective of the Pacific Ocean.

Thanks NASA!



BTW-The window or lens glare doesn't so on the high resolution one I set as a background.


You are welcome!

Yes, the site takes some getting used to. I have spent a little over and hour, but I learned how to some 1 and 2 meg photos from the Collection list-Weekly 10.

Click the number one one you like and a low resolution will pop-up, then a chart will pop-up showing, View and below that Request. I click the Request and then highest resolution shot. Then it will go to another page. Then under: using a web browser click the link, it will contain the one you want. The photo will show then place your arrow on the photo and right click and then you can save it or set it as a back ground.

For other photos, click the colored line under the low resolution photograph, then it will go the the View Request charts.

Hope this helps a bit, after all they have the real, some might say g _ks .

I thought this one showed a different perspective of the Pacific Ocean.

Thanks NASA!



BTW-The window or lens glare doesn't so on the high resolution one I set as a background.

BTW-The window or lens glare doesn't so on the high resolution one I set as a background.>

Considering the conditions, who cares it one can see it. If I was so fortunate to make it, I cover a wall with it. I just now zoomed in on some of the magnificent cloud formations that I sure wouldn't want to be under, much less on a boat!


Great stuff Gilbert.

That shot you posted is wonderful. In fact the sign of some glare etc is welcome - sets the scene nicely. It's great to see the clouds from above. Too right - yes, thanks NASA!