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ISO 3200 film

The TMZ existed in 70mm but I got a non perfored roll so I could not use it for my A70 backs.
With the new TMY (640 true iso) it should be interesting to try @ 3200 asa
ILFORD DELTA 3200 B/W is a candidate . If you like your images with strong grain , which can be quite charmy , go for that film .
I also would support Jurgen in his recommendation for Ilford Delta 3200. Used it couple of times and it returned wonderful results...
Does anyone have any scanned examples of this film used and printed?

P.S. where is my mate from Oz with the slouch hat?
thanks cristian, great examples, thank you, I also love the site.
I wonder whether this film is readily available here in sydney?
glad that I was able to convince you to make the purchase Matt :)
here is available for ~7euro, but i guess that's not an option for you ;)
I push Tri-X up to 6400 in Xtol.

Here it is at 3200.


Great example and a great image Ian, may I ask what gear you are using here assuming a hasselblad of course?
Great example and a great image Ian, may I ask what gear you are using here assuming a hasselblad of course?

Thanks! Actually, you caught me out :) I've not had my 500C/M long enough to get a chance to take it out at night, this was shot with a Mamiya 6 with 75/3.5. But you get the idea...

I actually prefer the look of pushed Tri-X to most high-speed films. I use it at all speeds from 200 to 6400, Acros for 100 and Pan F for 50, all processed in 1+1 Xtol. It keeps the workflow nice and simple as well.

Nice job Ian although I read some strange words in your last comment.
Something Ma.... never mind. These are great cameras.

I like what I see from good old Tri-X and understand your approach to keep it simple.
No need to make it more difficult with results like this.
