Active Member
I'm trying to be careful not to allow my "Hassy passion" become an addiction.
However, since I've had my 503CW, I can't help but wonder if there are compelling reasons to add the CW wider/grip.
I tend to use my 501CM exclusively on a tripod using the WLF for all sorts of landscape and city scape shooting.
Now my recently acquired 503CW is my "hand-held" shooter - street; environmental portraits; travel stuff. I use it with the PM45 finder.
So, I wondered if the CW would be the final piece to an ergonomically near-perfect hand-held puzzel - no need to manually wind on; preferred right hand holding and firing of the shutter; nice balancing of an MF SLR body held to the eye while viewing at 45 degrees etc.; nice setup with a D40 mounted on the prism for fill flash.
So my questions of experienced 503 body users are: are the benefits of a CW for my type of use compelling enough to invest a significant sum; do you feel it is nice to have but not compelling to have (now that you have one)?
I'm not so concerened about its price - i.e. $400 versus $700 - but, simply at whatever not-insignificant sum it costs.
Thanks for your comments and thoughts.
However, since I've had my 503CW, I can't help but wonder if there are compelling reasons to add the CW wider/grip.
I tend to use my 501CM exclusively on a tripod using the WLF for all sorts of landscape and city scape shooting.
Now my recently acquired 503CW is my "hand-held" shooter - street; environmental portraits; travel stuff. I use it with the PM45 finder.
So, I wondered if the CW would be the final piece to an ergonomically near-perfect hand-held puzzel - no need to manually wind on; preferred right hand holding and firing of the shutter; nice balancing of an MF SLR body held to the eye while viewing at 45 degrees etc.; nice setup with a D40 mounted on the prism for fill flash.
So my questions of experienced 503 body users are: are the benefits of a CW for my type of use compelling enough to invest a significant sum; do you feel it is nice to have but not compelling to have (now that you have one)?
I'm not so concerened about its price - i.e. $400 versus $700 - but, simply at whatever not-insignificant sum it costs.
Thanks for your comments and thoughts.