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Focal length equivalents table for medium format film and digital sensors


Years ago I put together this reference table for quickly seeing the FF 35mm equivalent of various lenses used on medium format film and digital sensor cameras. There are a few different sensor sizes used in MFD cameras and backs. I took a screen shot of my Excel table and thought some of you might find it useful too. It should be self explanatory, but let me know if you have questions or if I have made any mistakes.

Gary Benson

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Well, I just noticed that the APS-C format numbers were wrong. Too late for me to edit the original post. Not even sure why I included the APS-C sensor equivalents in this spreadsheet. Not that it would really matter here on the Medium Format forum, but here is a corrected table, just in case.


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Hi Gary,

that is a great idea. I had something similar made, but only for sensor sizes and enlargement (magnifier) factor.

I find the Medium Market not very transparent. Everything larger then 35mm fullframe (24x36mm sensor size) is called Medium Format, no matter how large the sensor is. There are huge differences. In pixel size and in enlargement factor.

Here is my overview. Am I missing any important model?
