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Epson V750 Pro or other recommendations


Can anyone suggest a good scanner in the lower price range?
I've been looking at the Epson V750 Pro. Any experience?
It should be able to handle many different kinds of 120 film easily and speed is not that important. I've been shooting mostly color transparencies and BW negs.

Also, I am a Mac user.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
Its been awhile since anyone has posted any new updates here. I am still in the market for a hi quality scanner for all of my medium format images. Of course it would help if the scanner can scan a 4X5 without any problems whatsoever.

For 35m work, I have a Canon FS4000US scanner. That would cover all of my 35mm images. When I lasted posted a request here, I was looking at the Nikon Cool Scan LS9000 scanner, Imacon Photo Flextight (at least up to 4X5 if the other Imacon in SCSI are taken into account), and last of all the Epson V750 Pro.

The general response I heard from some of the shops I visited, was that Microtek support was the worst of the lot. There isn't much on the Microtek M1 to draw a general conclusion if its a good scanner to buy.

The other choice would be for e to look at the Leafscan 45 strictly for all images above 35mm and up to 4 X 5. At least I would get somewhat of a quality over the long scanning time due to the technology and age of the scanner.

Short of buying into a MF digital backs and switching to 35mm FF digital, what other chioces do I have for MF scans up to 30inches x 30inxches?
I got myself a V700.
Which dpi do you normally scan at?

I might get one of those other film holders. It says under the picture " Allows you to easily scan two whole strips of 120/220 film frames at one time!".

What do they mean by this?
I scan as 16 bit grayscale tiff, at 2400 ppi, with all the Epson Scan adjustment options turned off, and then do any post processing in Photoshop (generally just levels adjustment, dust cloning, and unsharp mask).

I scan 2 strips at a time, each strip has 2 6x6 frames. There might be enough room on the scanner bed for each strip to contain 3 frames, but I haven't tried. The sentence you quoted is on the page for Agfa and Microtek scanners, not Epson.

Ah, OK, didn't see that page. Not sure what he means, presumably just that you can scan strips rather than simply individual frames.

V750 is Brand new so can I resurrect this thread

Just a few simple questions that might seem silly to you but are unclear to this new owner of a V750. I'm thanking you in advance hoping someone can clear up these puzzling issues for me.

Did your 750 come with a hardcopy manual (i only have an electronic copy with a rather poor search engine)?

Is Epson serious? I mean, no one can possibly keep a strip of film that wants to curve AND curl in a holder that has no slop/compliance? What have I missed? Is Duct tape called for in the non-existant manual?

How long a strip should I cut my negs/slides into for use with the Epson holder? I read one can only scan four 6x6 negs (i.e., two 6x6's per strip for the dual strip in the holder) but it seems you might be able to do three per lane.

I received extra feet but no t-locks (as mentioned in previous post). Do you have to buy a different holder from betterscanning to get t-locks?

Woud you recommend buying a Anti Newton glass insert to keep negs flat with the Epson holder or purchase a better holder from .....?

Those of you who use a holder for their 120mm 6x6. They offer two holders for Epson scanners. Which holder do we order for the V750? Variable Height MF Film Holderä for Epsonwhich includes their ANR glass insert OR Dual MF Film Holderä for the
Epson® V700, V750 and V750-M
The included instructions are on disc only and include just the lame help search you speak of, but the software is pretty easy to pick up. I just got a new V750 this week and have been experimenting and getting decent results with the included holder (surprisingly good results). The film does not lay perfectly flat but the overall quality does not seem to be affected greatly. I can get 3 6X6 shots per row or four 645's.

Some examples:


filmy sisters.jpg


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I'm sure you answered some of your own questions already. What t-locks are you referring to? Mine came with little feet and that's it. You can turn them in certain directions to raise or lower the height of the holder. That's really important to get your negative/slides sharp. I usually have mine raised a little higher than the factory default. It improved the scans dramatically.

The wet mount is great, but make sure you don't let any wet mount liquid get under the plastic or you'll be buying a new we mount unit after a year like I did. The plastic start cracking first where the screws are and then everywhere else. Truthfully, it should have been made with something other than plastic.

The 6x6 negative mounts can hold up to 3 negatives/slides per strip.

Hope that helps. Good luck!

Slides keep curling up and won't stay flat in V750 holder

Dear N.,
Helps? Of inestimable value! Very kind of you to reply with this need-to-know info and can't thank you enough. In response to your q:

The V750 holder for 120 mm film only (barely) holds the edge of film that has a memory to curl, hence making it almost impossible for it to lay flat.
Epson must have some way of making film sit in holder and could not have overlooked so flagrant a design flaw. Also, the betterscanning holder has (i'm told) separate locks placed by the user between the 2nd and 3rd frames that hold the strip in the holder flat.

Was my V750 shipped without the parts that hold the curvey film flat?
Was my V750 shipped without the parts that hold the curvey film flat?

My medium format holder only has the snap tabs on the sides of the frame and that's it. I just looked at my holder and I noticed the little foam parts that are on the top of the frame is all deformed and coming apart. Weird.
By the way, here's what's in the box for the V700:

What's in the Box?

  • Epson Perfection V700 Photo scanner - with DIGITAL ICE Technologies
  • 8" x 10" transparency unit (built into lid)
  • Four film holders: 35mm negatives, 35mm slides, medium format and 4" x 5"
  • 8" x 10" Film Area Guide
  • CD-ROM with Epson Scan software and productivity applications
  • DVD-ROM with Adobe® Photoshop® Elements
  • CD-ROM with LaserSoft Imaging™ SilverFast® SE6
  • Hi-Speed USB 2.0 cable
  • Epson Setup Sheet
  • AC adapter and power cable
For the V750:

What's in the Box?

  • Epson Perfection V750-M Pro scanner - with Digital ICE Technologies
  • 8" x 10" Transparency Unit (built into lid)
  • Fluid mount accessory (scanning fluid and supplies not included)
  • Four film holder: 35mm negatives, 35mm slides, medium format and 4" x 5"
  • 8" x 10" Film Area Guide
  • CD-ROM with Epson Scan software and productivity applications
  • DVD-ROM with Adobe® Photoshop® Elements
  • CD-ROM with LaserSoft Imaging™ SilverFast® Ai 6
  • MonacoEZcolor™
  • Hi-Speed USB 2.0 cable
  • Epson Setup Sheet
  • AC adapter and power cable