Hi there....an 'old timer' I know has a few 500C/M bodies, lenses, loads of magazines, laods of accessories AND loads and loads of mold on many items.....a real shame.....
......yet he's got something I really want.....he has a 503CXi body with what I can only call cracks on the inside black paint....INSIDE THE CAMERA......
....the paint/metal also seems to have come up a bit as opposed to it all being on the one even layer if you follow what I mean.....
I know this is a special paint and its OBVIOUSLY to stop internal reflections when the shutter is open etc so is this 'paint' available???? or at least has anyone else used an alternative that actually does the job....some sort of matt black paint obviously.....
......yet he's got something I really want.....he has a 503CXi body with what I can only call cracks on the inside black paint....INSIDE THE CAMERA......
....the paint/metal also seems to have come up a bit as opposed to it all being on the one even layer if you follow what I mean.....
I know this is a special paint and its OBVIOUSLY to stop internal reflections when the shutter is open etc so is this 'paint' available???? or at least has anyone else used an alternative that actually does the job....some sort of matt black paint obviously.....