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Black 'paint' inside V system bodies....


Hi 'old timer' I know has a few 500C/M bodies, lenses, loads of magazines, laods of accessories AND loads and loads of mold on many items.....a real shame.....

......yet he's got something I really want.....he has a 503CXi body with what I can only call cracks on the inside black paint....INSIDE THE CAMERA......

....the paint/metal also seems to have come up a bit as opposed to it all being on the one even layer if you follow what I mean.....

I know this is a special paint and its OBVIOUSLY to stop internal reflections when the shutter is open etc so is this 'paint' available???? or at least has anyone else used an alternative that actually does the job....some sort of matt black paint obviously.....
The stuff Hasselblad used to treat the inside and the doors from the auxilary shutter with is called Palpas.
It is to prevent internal reflections.
As long as this coating does not come off I would not worry about it.

The coating can be replaced. Like anything Hasselbad that job does not come cheap.......
thanks as ever are a gem....

...anyway....on inspection and tilting the camera to view it, the light casts like a sheen on certain areas which for want of a better word look paint cracking to me.....

to give you an analogy its kind of like when you rub matt paint and it creates like a sheen.....when at certain angles it did seem to reflect light albeit low levels of course......I dont have the body with me here so its frustration now!!!!! i really want to inspect it!!!

......I guess i could and should just run a roll through it and shoot in very bright sunlight to see if it fogs the film but thats like a real waste of time, a roll of film and chemicals......