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Alternatives to Capture One?


New Member
I recently became the proud owner of a Phase One P25 for my Hasselblad 500 EL/M and now find myself in need of software to process the files. Darktable can only read the tiny image preview. To my dismay, the community edition of Capture One was discontinued and the pricing of the professional edition is not ideal for my needs.

The clock is now ticking on my 30 day free evaluation period. I only use Capture One to read the files and pass them on to Darktable. I saw on a forum somewhere that the Darktable developers are working on reading Phase One files, but there is no delivery date. Maybe they need more sample files, which I can hep with. I also tried RawTherapee without any success.

Is there any other software that will read the .TIF files from my CF card? Free would be great, but I will settle for "less expensive than Capture One."

I will try Adobe Lightroom and DXO PureRaw next. Does anybody here have any experience in this regard?
This might work I haven’t tried it. good luck
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Views: 1460


Capture One can be used for free if you are a Digital Back owner.


"Capture One DB" (Digital Back version) has changed name to "Capture One for Phase One" from Capture One 20 and up.
If you are a digital back user you can get a free Capture One for Phase One in the latest version, simply contact Phase One Support.
Contact support here: Http://
The Capture One for Phase One version is not the full product and will only work with Phase One's digital backs and not any DSLR cameras.
Please select "Capture One for Phase One" (Capture One 20 or newer) or "Capture One DB" (if you are running Capture One 12 or older) on the initial splash screen on first run.
Sorry I said in previous post I hadn’t used it but of course I had used it for years with my P45 but but as I had the pro version I used with my DSLR before I got the P45 and only resorted to the back only version when we moved the pro version on to another computer.
It’s great software. Have fun.
Thanks for pointing me to "Capture One for Phase One." I have registered my P25. The warranty expired on 11/24/2006 (good to know that, hehehe) but I am now eligible to use the software.