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150 mm lens For wha is that knob?

I would like to know for what is that know I marked with the red rectangle.

150mm f4 T*

Thank you


  • 150MM.jpg
    15.8 KB · Views: 5
  • 150MM.jpg
    15.8 KB · Views: 5
That knob is for deth of field control .
If you push the button down , the aperture closes to the chosen value .
Now you can see the DOF for your focused distance .
If you then press the lower part of the button , the aperture returns to it open position .
That knob is for deth of field control .
If you push the button down , the aperture closes to the chosen value .
Now you can see the DOF for your focused distance .
If you then press the lower part of the button , the aperture returns to it open position .

Time to go buy a Wildi :z04_9856:
